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The Re-Indigenizing Minds Project


Re-Indigenizing Minds, a paradigm shift

Project Goals

To share Indigenous knowledge and understandings of the cosmos


Research, development and sharing of educational materials and productions for instruction, use and in-depth exploration of math, science and art related to Indigenous sacred calendars, sacred geometry, architecture, way-finding and more in ancient and modern times. 

260 Day Calendar and HeavenHellPerCodexVaticanusbyCGorman.jpg

A Starting Point

The 260 Day Calendar is a starting point to understanding Indigenous Views of the Universe.


A goal of this project is to teach people how to use this calendar for practical daily use and planning, and to teach the foundations of indigenous enduring understandings of time, space and our place in the universe. 

260 Day Sacred Calendar (c) 2006 IRC_edited.jpg

About the 260 Day Sacred Calendar

The 260 Day Sacred Calendar was shared by the indigenous peoples of the Americas. Most people think it was only used by the Aztecs and Mayans, but in actuality it was used throughout the Americas and beyond. 


The 260 Day Calendar is based on what are considered sacred numbers, the numbers 13 and 20. The calendar can be used to calculate Earth's year-count calendars, planetary cycles, solar and lunar eclipses, and other interstellar calculations like the precessions of the equinox. 

ReIndigenizing Minds Current Projects

Our team is working on the following projects to help support a paradigm shift through the breakdown of time and space using indigenous math, science and art.

Current status of the Re-Indigenizing Minds Zia Symbol Globaportion of the project

Finished paper is being edited down from 130 pages into a working script for use in a multi-media presentation by Roger Cultee. Animation work needed for multi-media presentation and presentation needs to be recorded.

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You can follow Colleen Gorman on Instagram amd/or Facebook for info and updates on #NdnTime Today, in which she posts the current day and year according to the 260 Day Sacred Calendar and Earth's year-count calendar extrapolated from the 260 Day Calendar.

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